The long awaited rainbow was absent when they crossed over the NH state line, but Andrew and fellow hikers, did wake up to blue skies and that was a thrilling sight!!! ~while it lasted~
(Zombie) Andrew and Brunch (Alex) made it to Gorham just after lunch Monday, July 6th. Of the other three hikers that set out from Stratton, the twins went to Andover the day after Andrew and Brunch had gone in for a half day, re-stocking their supplies. The twins are now somewhere behind them. Pirate Joe dropped back at a shelter 3 miles short of the shelter Andrew and Brunch hiked to on July 3. (Post script -Pirate was spotted July 7th / taking a few zero days in Gorham)
Fireworks came early on July 3rd, just 20-miles from the Maine/ NH state line. Andrew said the thunderstorm made the early evening so dark he could have used his headlamp. Andrew said he literally ran in the dark toward the shelter, and practically dove into it taking cover, just minutes before the lightning and thunder filled the sky. He said they a were in horrendous display of nature's fury, then the sky just opened up with a down pour. The 4th was foggy, and rainy, but no fireworks, thankfully. He said the 5th was a blurr of slick trails just like the previous day. On the 6th, Andrew said they woke up to a beautiful blue sky that was the most welcoming thing he'd ever experienced... just like a child's vision of Christmas morning. They had to come thru "the hardest one mile stretch, the Mahoosuc Notch (AT Mile 294)" before they got to town, but at least there was a break in the three spells of rain, and it was warmer in Gorham. He said the Mahoosuc Notch had boulders the size of a trailer! They had to climb up, over, under, squeeze thru, etc. It was cold, raining, windy, rocky, they saw mud, rain, fog, permanent snow, some ice, and it took 2 hours to go the one mile. Can't wait to read those journal pages!
The two arrived in Gorham safe, hungry, and dirty. He punched "the Spot", ate a huge meal, took a great bath, found "loaner clothes" at "the Barn" where they are staying, and called home. Andrew described the loaner clothes, while he was happy to have them, they aren't something you'd be looking to add to your personal wardrobe. Andrew reports that Gorham is the largest town they've been in so far... switch the spot map to satellite, zoom in... the locals are safe from suffering any ailments of a metropolitan sprawl...
Both guys have "the Spot" and Brunch is from Asheville. Intersting that two guys from WNC met while hiking 2,000 miles from home. Both are hiking the whole trail... while hikers never know how long they'll hike together, for now these two are keeping a similar pace and a positive attitude.... Without a doubt, both are happy to know Maine is behind them! I did the math, they've completed 13% of the distance. Yippee! or as Andrew put it, "1 state behind me, only 13 more to go!"
We just got Andrew's mail package with new journal pages and photos that he mailed from Rangley. I'll get them posted as soon as I can (things are busy here at home) Stay tuned.... :-)
If you hurry, mail can be sent to the next Mail stop:
Lincoln, NH 03251 (AT mile 370 - just 2 miles before North Woodstock if you've mailed him something there.)
est. arrival July 13
After Lincoln, is Hanover, NH 03755 (AT mile 441.9) mail stop just on the Vermont state line...
Tomorrow they begin the next 70-mile stretch. Hiking the White Mountians over the Presidential range, especially over Mt. Washington at 6,288', is suppose to be the hardest mountain range on the AT. Andrew said there have been several times he feels he must have had extra guardian angels assigned to him (Maybe I'll have to close my eyes when I type those journal pages) but he wants you all to know, "I can tell there are many people praying for me. Please keep it up, and double them when you can. Sincerely, all prayers, notes and e-mails are appreciated!!!"
Yes, Andrew is still having quite a fine adventure,
Mom - Harriet
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