July 13 AT Mile 372.7 Yes!!! The Presidential Mt. Range can be post-card perfect

Andrew, Brunch and Buffalo arrived in Lincoln, NH late on Monday, July 13th. I have been in Atlanta half the week, but was glad to know Andrew checked in with the SPOT. Happier still, when I got his call Tuesday. Wow! He sounded terrific!!! He was very happy and thrilled because they had an incredible hiking stretch from Gorham to Lincoln. The three thru-hikers had perfect weather as they hiked the hardest mountain range. Mt. Washington, known to have the very worst weather in the country (like a friend whose day hike had zero degrees with 50 mph winds at the summit one 4th of July, years ago). Instead, they experienced a wonderful gift from Mother Nature... temps in the 60's with a mild, pleasant breeze blowing on these thru hikers!!! Thank you, sweet Lord!!!

Andrew said he was taking an easy day on Tuesday, July 14th, and planned to head out sometime Wed. after going 2 miles to North Woodstock to pick up some mail he thought was mailed to that post office. He and I didn't talk too long, since I was in Atlanta on business.

Andrew has finally purchased his second pair of shoes... he declares his original pair still have a good 500 miles left in them, but felt he should be prepared. (That Boy Scout training has paid off!) Not sure if he will mail them home, toss them out or leave them for a desperate soul in the clothing box... He laughed because "his socks had a blow out"... so he's had to purchase new socks too (I thought it was funny he was surprised they wore out so fast!)

Andrew's eyes are doing great! We are delighted his eye surgery was so successful! Hasn't had to use his drops that often, but keeps them with him at all times. What a blessing to have clear vision after being 4/200 and 6/200! Please keep saying prayers for his eyes to have continual healing. While you have Heaven on the line, add safe travels, good health and happy adventures :-) Thanks!

Misc. hiker updates...
Andrew originally met Buffalo in Monson, ME. Buffalo decided to set out with Andrew (Zombie) and Alex (Brunch) when they left Gorham, NH.

As of Tuesday, Brunch was planning on staying a little longer in Lincoln to allow his ankles to heal up... grit from his socks caused sores. I just read his journal prior to this post, and Alex said he was feeling better, and planned to leave out in the morning. I couldn't tell which day that would be, as the journal page I viewed had an incorrect date stamp. We'll stay tuned to see if he left with Andrew and Buffalo, or if they catch up later on. Regardless, glad to read his wounds were healing nicely and he was feeling better!

Pirate Joe, last seen in Gorham, NH, was waiting on a back-pack replacement (his got torn) and realized his left foot was unusually painful. His Dad e-mailed that after researching his symptoms on the Internet, then going to the local clinic, confirmed he has a fracture in his left foot. Joe, you are a brave young man. We're sorry your current journey ends short of Springer Mt. Just, remember, the AT will always be there should you want to continue at a later date. You have done more than most folks ever dream! Well done, and all the best!

Next post office is Hanover, NH 03755. est arrival July 20th.
Post office after that is Rutland, VT 05701, estimated July 23rd

Most recent pictures and journal pages should be posted soon... I've copied the photos so I can up load them, but haven't even had time to read his journal pages yet. It's been a very busy summer here in western North Carolina :-) all good, just very busy.

Mom / Harriet

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